To select an available room, click “Details”, then “Request Booking.”

History Room, Lawrence Library
Official Capacity: 10
Booking Period: Between 1 hour and 4 hours
The History Room is located on the top level of the library. There is a long wooden conference table and 10 chairs. WiFi is available. No food is allowed in this room. Covered beverage containers are allowed. This room is suitable for smaller meetings, and for meetings where more privacy is needed.

Meeting Room , Lawrence Library
Official Capacity: 35
Booking Period: Between 1 hour and 4 hours
This room is appropriate for meetings of more than 2 people, with a maximum of 35. There are chairs, and various sizes of tables available. There is a screen, and a projector is available by request. The person booking the room is responsible for setting up and breaking down the room. Food and beverages are allowed. Wifi is available.

Aerie, Lawrence Library
Official Capacity: 2
Booking Period: Between 15 minutes and 4 hours
This is a small room off of the Lyceum (Reading Room) suited for private study/work or a meeting for 2 people. There is a desk and two chairs. Wifi is available.

Music Rehearsal Space, Lawrence Library
Official Capacity: 50
Booking Period: Between 15 minutes and 3 hours
Space in the Art Gallery for music rehearsal or practice. There is a grand piano available, as well as chairs and music stands.
The doors to the room may not be closed as the Art Gallery is open to the public during all regular library hours.